
No.1 in Bass Music

Techmaster P.E.B.

"Patrick E. Baker is one of the pioneers of Low-Frequency Bass Music, whose release, 1991's Bass Computer caused quite a stir among car audio enthusiasts, with its warning message that read: "CAUTION: ULTRA LOW BASS MAY DAMAGE SPEAKERS." Techmaster P.E.B. is now known as the "Godfather of Ultra Low Bass" His bass albums were used by millions to demonstrate the car audios maximum and beyond handling capabilities. Although he gave proper warning, some did not take heed to this warning and was the largest cause of blown voice coils and smoking woofers. Along with a few others in the industry, he helped shape the Bass Music Genera, along with inspiring many new artists who followed in his footsteps. Techmaster P.E.B. took a break from the limelight for a decade, but that didn't mean he stopped making music. Under some of his many aliases, he has continued to make music for many different artist and causes that were dear to his heart. Today Techmaster P.E.B. is back and ready to spark the Bass Revolution again. His latest release of Subharmonix brings back in the era of Ultra Low Bass. forming the Label Tech-Nolo-G Music Group he is ready to take over the Bass World AGAIN!" Quelle: Wikipedia

Techmaster P E B New Album SUBHARMONIX Release Listening Party Facebook Live Video June 26th 2020